Beautiful Straight Smiles With Invisalign
December 14th, 2021
THANKS TO INNOVATIVE options like Invisalign, the time when getting braces meant spending years with a mouth full of metal that hooked to bulky headgear is long past. These days, traditional metal wire braces are more streamlined and discreet, but the option that has become increasingly popular for orthodontic treatment in West Virginia is Invisalign. How can you know if this option is right for you? Here are a few questions you can ask to find out.
1. What Orthodontic Problems Does Invisalign Correct?
The Invisalign clear aligner system is great for correcting issues with dental crowding, and it does so while being virtually invisible. However, because they are removable and not anchored to any of your teeth, they can’t do much for problems with the bite or with jaw alignment. For those, you’ll still need traditional braces.
2. How Long Will InvisalignTreatment Take?
Treatment time with Invisalign tends to be about the same as with traditional braces. How long it takes depends much more on what kind of issue is being corrected than what type of orthodontic treatment you’re using. Some problems simply take more time to correct, but no matter what, it’s worth it in the end, and your teeth are in good hands at Robert W. Bruno DDS.
3. Does Invisalign Work For Adults?
Invisalign is a great option for adults seeking to straighten their smiles. Traditional wire braces aren’t a very appealing prospect for many adults, because culturally we tend to associate them with teenagers.
However, Invisalign aligners are barely noticeable. Adults and teenagers alike don’t have to worry about being a “brace-face.” They also don’t have the same teenage connotation, so adults can wear them without any worries that people might think they look less mature. Your orthodontic treatment can proceed without anyone at work or in your social circle being any the wiser.
4. What Should I Expect With My Treatment?
Invisalign treatment works in stages. You’ll receive a series of custom-designed aligners that you will move through in two-week intervals, and each set will move your teeth closer towards the final goal. Similar to how traditional braces patients come in on a regular basis to have their progress assessed and their braces adjusted, Invisalign patients will receive their next set of aligner trays each time until they’re done. For either type of treatment, it’s important not to miss those appointments!
Still Have Questions About Invisalign in Woodside? Just Ask Us!
Anyone who is seriously considering getting orthodontic treatment — Invisalign or traditional wire braces — surely has more than these four questions to ask, but that’s what we’re here for! Simply schedule an initial consultation appointment with us and together we’ll be able to find out if Invisalign is the right option for your treatment plan! To learn why it’s beneficial to have straight teeth for reasons beyond the superficial ones, read more here.