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Debunking the Top Braces Excuses With Invisalign

January 20th, 2022

A LOT OF ADULTS believe (incorrectly) that they missed their chance at having straight teeth because they didn’t get braces or Invisalign in their teens. In the last few decades, the number of adults benefiting from orthodontic treatment has risen dramatically, and we’re here to debunk all of your excuses for not getting the orthodontic treatment that could give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

“But It’s Too Late to Move My Teeth”

It’s true that shifting teeth into their proper position is easier for an adolescent patient, but there isn’t an upper age limit to orthodontic treatment. Adults even have a major advantage over teens: the self-discipline of maturity. Adults are often better at following the orthodontist’s instructions, which helps their treatment go smoother.

Check out this cool time-lapse of adult braces making a real difference:

“But My Crooked Teeth Aren’t Causing Problems”

Someone who’s always had crooked teeth might not see the advantage of orthodontic treatment, but straight teeth aren’t just about looks, they also mean improved oral and overall health. It’s easier to clean straight teeth, and it’s easier to speak clearly with them. It’s even easier to chew effectively and breathe deeply. Crooked teeth can cause difficulties for every function teeth serve, and those can worsen over time as teeth can become more crooked over time!

“But I’ll Look Unprofessional With Braces”

Some adults who want straighter teeth might be hesitating to get braces because they worry that they will look immature or unprofessional during their treatment. It’s unfortunate that we associate braces with immaturity so much as a culture, but there are low-profile options for patients who don’t want to broadcast their treatment to the world, such as clear aligners like Invisalign or clear ceramic braces. There are great ways to get straight teeth without a mouthful of obvious hardware!

“But Braces Are Expensive”

Orthodontic treatment does cost more than a typical dental appointment, but it’s a real investment in your future, saving you the price tag of all the expenses or problems that may come with crooked teeth or a bad bite over time. If budgeting is a concern, schedule a consultation with us and we can work together to find the most affordable option.

Leave Those Braces Excuses Behind

The year is just beginning, and what better way is there to move forward in 2022 than by leaving braces excuses behind and making a plan for a healthier, properly aligned smile? We’re really looking forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams here at Robert W. Bruno DDS, whether that means braces or clear aligners like Invisalign.

Don’t let excuses hold you back from great solutions like Invisalign!

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Beautiful Straight Smiles With Invisalign

December 14th, 2021


THANKS TO INNOVATIVE options like Invisalign, the time when getting braces meant spending years with a mouth full of metal that hooked to bulky headgear is long past. These days, traditional metal wire braces are more streamlined and discreet, but the option that has become increasingly popular for orthodontic treatment in West Virginia is Invisalign. How can you know if this option is right for you? Here are a few questions you can ask to find out.

1. What Orthodontic Problems Does Invisalign Correct?

The Invisalign clear aligner system is great for correcting issues with dental crowding, and it does so while being virtually invisible. However, because they are removable and not anchored to any of your teeth, they can’t do much for problems with the bite or with jaw alignment. For those, you’ll still need traditional braces.

2. How Long Will InvisalignTreatment Take?

Treatment time with Invisalign tends to be about the same as with traditional braces. How long it takes depends much more on what kind of issue is being corrected than what type of orthodontic treatment you’re using. Some problems simply take more time to correct, but no matter what, it’s worth it in the end, and your teeth are in good hands at Robert W. Bruno DDS.

3. Does Invisalign Work For Adults?

Invisalign is a great option for adults seeking to straighten their smiles. Traditional wire braces aren’t a very appealing prospect for many adults, because culturally we tend to associate them with teenagers.

However, Invisalign aligners are barely noticeable. Adults and teenagers alike don’t have to worry about being a “brace-face.” They also don’t have the same teenage connotation, so adults can wear them without any worries that people might think they look less mature. Your orthodontic treatment can proceed without anyone at work or in your social circle being any the wiser.

4. What Should I Expect With My Treatment?

Invisalign treatment works in stages. You’ll receive a series of custom-designed aligners that you will move through in two-week intervals, and each set will move your teeth closer towards the final goal. Similar to how traditional braces patients come in on a regular basis to have their progress assessed and their braces adjusted, Invisalign patients will receive their next set of aligner trays each time until they’re done. For either type of treatment, it’s important not to miss those appointments!

Still Have Questions About Invisalign in Woodside? Just Ask Us!

Anyone who is seriously considering getting orthodontic treatment — Invisalign or traditional wire braces — surely has more than these four questions to ask, but that’s what we’re here for! Simply schedule an initial consultation appointment with us and together we’ll be able to find out if Invisalign is the right option for your treatment plan! To learn why it’s beneficial to have straight teeth for reasons beyond the superficial ones, read more here.

We can’t wait to help you get the smile of your dreams!

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

A Brief History of Braces

November 12th, 2021


CAN YOU IMAGINE an Ancient Egyptian in braces? Are you picturing an appliance made out of metal bands and catgut? That’s right; the practice of straightening misaligned teeth has been around since ancient times! So how did we get from there to the braces of today?

Ancient Orthodontics

Evidence suggests that those braces made of catgut and metal bands were likely only used as part of a burial ritual, to make sure the dead person’s teeth looked nice for the afterlife. Similar burial rituals were performed in Ancient Greece and by the Etruscans.

The first time braces were used to straighten the teeth of the living was in Ancient Rome, around 400 BC. 400 years later, Aulus Cornelius Celsus theorized that teeth could be guided into place by applying hand pressure in the right direction as they grow in, but modern orthodontic research doesn’t support this.

Braces and the Industrial Revolution

Not much changed in orthodontics until the 18th century, when Pierre Fauchard created the first known modern braces. His invention, the bandeau, was a horseshoe-shaped piece of metal with holes throughout it, held in place by silk threads.

He also tried tying teeth together in an effort to get them to stay put while they healed. Christophe-François Delabarre tried separating crowded teeth by putting wooden wedges between each tooth. Yikes!

The Emergence of Modern Day Braces

In 1822, J.S. Gunnell invented occipital anchorage (the first form of headgear), but the man considered to be the father of modern orthodontics was Edward Hartley Angle. Angle formally identified different types of malocclusions (bad bites) and developed appliances to correct them beginning in 1880.

Through all these developments, early orthodontists were still limited by technology. They didn’t have bonding agents that could allow front-mounted brackets like in today’s braces, so moving teeth required wrapping metal completely around each tooth.

That all changed when dental adhesive hit the scene, and the development of stainless steel in the ’70s also made braces more affordable because they no longer had to be made out of silver or gold. Finally, invisible aligners hit the scene in the late ’90s.

A Variety of Options

There’s no better time in history to get orthodontic treatment than now, thanks to all the incredible advancements over the centuries and particularly the last few decades. And while today’s orthodontic treatment is always tailored to individual patients’ needs and everything is far more streamlined and low-profile than it was in the past, there are a few basic options most people can choose from.

You can stick with traditional braces, which are far more comfortable and efficient than they used to be. A more discreet option (if you’re okay with it taking a little longer) is invisible aligners. You might be interested in lingual braces, which are like traditional braces but on the tongue side of the teeth instead of the outside, so nobody will know you have them! Other options include self-ligating braces and ceramic braces.

What Robert W. Bruno DDS, PC Has to Offer Patients in Woodside, NY

If you’re in need of orthodontic treatment, you can be sure you’ll only receive the most efficient, comfortable, and up-to-date appliance at our practice. So don’t be shy; come see us for a consultation!

Thank you for choosing us as your preferred practice!

Top image by Flickr user Carissa Rogers used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Emergencies in Orthodontics - How to Deal with Them

October 15th, 2021

orthodontics woodside new york

Ok, well, 'emergency' may not be the right word to use. However, if something hurts, or if some little thing is bothering you, we want to help. At Robert W. Bruno, in Woodside, NY., we want to be sure you are as comfortable as possible through your orthodontic treatment.

Dr. Bruno and his team are here to help you through any orthodontic care urgencies you may be facing. If you have any questions or feel like something is a bit off to you, please do not hesitate to contact us

Maybe you feel your problem is tiny, or perhaps you're out of town or on vacation. Regardless of the reason, there may be something you can try to remedy the issue quickly. Read below for a guide to common orthodontic problems and how you can help them.

Mouth Sores and Irritations

Mouth sores happen to most who wear traditional metal braces, especially in the beginning. You can treat sores and remove pain from the inside of your mouth by using a small amount of orthodontic wax over the area bothering you. You may also use a topical anesthetic, such as Ora-Gel, which helps relieve pain and gives you time to heal.

Discomfort or Pain

Tooth soreness arises around the tightening phases of your braces. There is an increased amount of pressure or force on your teeth that causes movement and soreness. Typically after a couple of days, the soreness goes away. You can manage the pain with over-the-counter pain relievers making sure to follow the recommended dosages on the bottle and not exceed the maximum amount stated.

Being uncomfortable in braces is a typical experience. However, it should not last more than a few days. If you are distressed during treatment, there is likely an underlying issue. Call your orthodontist for a quick appointment.  

Lost Elastics

Losing an o-ring or the tiny wire in place of it is expected from time to time. The o-ring is essential to holding your braces together, so do not put off calling your orthodontist if it is lost. If it simply fell out, you might be able to reattach it yourself carefully with a pair of tweezers. 

Dislocated Wires

If you experience a poking archwire or an out-of-slot wire, you can most certainly use the wax over the wire until you can come and see us in person. You can also use a Q-tip to try and push the wire against your teeth until you can have it adjusted. Call your orthodontist and schedule an appointment to get it fixed. 

Loose or Broken Brackets

If your bracket is loose or has snapped off, try using the orthodontic wax to hold it in place until you can have it fixed. Suppose the bracket has been significantly loosened and will not stay in position. In that case, you can take it with you to the orthodontist. Please do your best to keep track of the bracket.

If you are experiencing any oral health emergencies, we are always available to you. Reach out to us, and we will help you through your orthodontic appliance problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.  

We want you to have the most pleasant experience and journey to straightening those crooked teeth and getting the beautiful smile you always wanted. Call and talk to one of our orthodontic consultants at Robert W. Bruno. We want to be your home for orthodontics in Woodside, NY.

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